Eastview Community Association Logo


Indoor Coordinator

Role: Responsible for the planning, management and coordination of all Adult indoor recreational activities, fine arts and crafts programs.

  1. Attend monthly Board meetings and report the progress of registration, participation, etc.
  2. Prepare a list of programs to be offered, time schedules and fess to be charged for approval by the Executive.
  3. Apply through the public school board and through the principals of the separate schools for the use of school facilities.
  4. Coordinate the registration of the fall, winter and spring indoor programs.
  5. Prepare information and reports to be submitted to the Association and Community Development Branch, City of Saskatoon.
  6. Prepare Program Information Forms (yellow sheets) and submit them to Development Branch. Submit requests to the City for instructors and hire instructors where necessary.
  7. Ensure registration date, program activities, descriptions, locations, dates, times and fee schedules are advertised in the Community Association newsletter prior to registration.
  8. Resolve situations arising with schools, caretakers, programs and participants.
  9. Submit an annual budget.
  10. Recruit volunteers for parent supervision and registrations.
  11. Watch for and encourage new individuals to volunteer for the Community Association.

Time Commitment: Intense
  • Attend Monthly Executive meetings
  • keep Executive up-to-date as to enrolment, cancellations, problems, etc. of programs
  • follow monthly tasks guidelines
  • Organization, Programming, Scheduling, Commitment, Cooperation, Leadership, Delegating, Diplomacy, Public relations

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